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Life EMS Innovation & Education Centre

A little over a year ago, construction began at the former Red Cross building at 1050 Fuller Avenue in Grand Rapids. The existing 24,000 sq ft building was the place to go to learn life-saving skills for several decades.

The American Red Cross, of greater Grand Rapids began in 1917 and operated out of a small office until this building was built in 1965 and was fully operational until 2021. Over the years, thousands of people came through the doors to learn how to be prepared to react and respond in emergency situations.

The property is now owned by Life EMS Ambulance, who’s CEOs, Mark Meijer and Ken Morris, took their very first CPR class in that Red Cross building over 40 years ago. They have since built the Life EMS establishment and expanded emergency medical services to the vast majority of West Michigan and its surrounding communities.

The new Innovation & Education Centre will not only be a training center for the Life EMS paramedics, but with updated energy codes, updated technology and large classrooms, it will also have the capability to house Regional Trainings, such as CPR + MIOSHA certification classes, First Responder education, and more.

The new space holds multiple 1000+ sq ft classrooms/conference rooms for training, 4 office areas for small group training and testing, a full size warming kitchen and an exterior patio and pergola overlooking Fuller Ave. Besides the completed renovations, another 3,500 sq ft of ‘white box’ space is available to be finished in the future for additional use. This project completes the 5th major building on the Life EMS campus in the City of Grand Rapids.

We are honored to have been a part of this project and have enjoyed seeing the building breathe new life from the beginning of construction to the first regional training class that was recently held on campus. Congratulations Life EMS!



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